Yuvan Shankar Raja has reportedly composed a song his upcoming album with Ajith. The film is being directed by Vishnuvardhan and the shooting schedule has already covered a couple of action sequences. However, Yuvan, who's currently busy with Biriyani and his upcoming concert in Coimbatore took day out of his busy schedule to determine a song with the director.
"Got an excellent song from my dear friend Yuvan. witnessing the development of the song by him each day. Can't wait to shoot" posted a cheerful Vishnuvardhan on Twitter after completing the song. The movie is already moving ahead in speed, with Ajith working hard to maintain with the schedule. The actor even agreed to work continuously after a tear in his ligament which ended in an injury. Yuvan's efforts have just raised the expectancies of the film much more. The movie also has Nayanthara and Arya doing important roles and is predicted to be announced soon by the team.