Actress Samantha is a hectic bee in both Kollywood and Tollywood in this day and age. After successfully completing the schedule for Neethaane En Ponvasantham, a Gautham Menon film made in both Tamil and Telugu, she took a break to recuperate. But now, it sort of feels like she is busy signing more films in both industries.
Her spokesperson confirmed that she has agreed to do a movie with Suriya in an effort to be Lingusamy's next. "Samantha needed to complete her pending projects and now, she has started signing on new films. Her next in Tamil after Neethaane En Ponvasantham might be Lingusamy's film with Suriya. She recently signed at the dotted line, and he or she is schedule to start out shooting for the film from March next year" said the source, confirming the news.
However, when asked concerning the possibility of being in Director Sarkunam's next film, Sotta Vazhakutty with Dhanush, the representative quickly denied one of these rumours, "She didn't receive this sort of offers. She has signed on just one new film in Kollywood as of now."
Watch - Samantha Speaks About 'Neethanae En Ponvasantham'