Music composer Anirudh, who last year came up with the viral hit 'Why this Kolaveri' is currently engaged on his next film, Ethir Neechal starring Sivakarthikeyan and Priya Anand. The youngster has reportedly finished composing the tracks and can be doing the overall mix in Mumbai throughout the following days.
He was last seen posting the next message on Twitter : "Working non-stop at the final mix and master of Ethir Neechal with my man Eric Pillai in Mumbai.. Sleepless yet enjoying every moment !." Excitements are already high across the film as sources report that Hip Hop Tamizhan Aadhi and Yo Yo Honey Singh from Punjab may be teaming up for one of the most songs. A BUNCH by Shreya Ghoshal and Mohit Chauhan could also be present at the album.
Meanwhile, Anirudh has promised that the music for Ethir Neechal may be better than that of three and has raised the bar for his own work. The discharge date for the soundtrack is yet to be announced.
Watch - Anirudh on his 'Ethir Neechal'