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Saturday, 24 November 2012

Jayam Ravi to tackle another Hollywood villain

Jayam Ravi, who has just finished engaged on his current film Aadhi Bhagavan is reportedly started desirous about his next film, Boologam. Having previously worked with a Hollywood villain in Peraanmai, which involved a fight sequence within the jungle, Ravi understands taking over hunks from Hollywood and can be doing so again.

Apparently, Nathan Jones, who appeared in Troy, have been pulled within the play the role of the villain. The film is predicated at the story of a boxer and can showcase a epic fight between competitors at the right. The producers of the film, Aascar Productions have become a big set able to host the sequence. It's even being said that the suitable is built as per the norms of the Boxers Association to make things realistic. Seems like its going to be epic after all.

Watch 'Aadhi Bhagavan' Trailer