Venkat Prabhu seems to be inquisitive about adding more faces to the forged of his film Biriyani. Produced by Studio Green, Biriyani features Karthi and Hansika Motwani within the lead. It also has Premji Amaren doing crucial role. However, the director was busy getting more names at the list, and joining it now could be Ramki.
Previously, YouTube star Sam Anderson and Mandy Thakar have also been welcomed to the crew. Just as you wonder when it's coming to an end, the actual life pair of Sneha and Prasanna, Neetu Chandra and Vaibhav Reddy were also confirmed to do roles. Sources even suggest that there'll be another heroine within the film from Hollywood and feature made things much more exciting for the fans.
Apart from several great actors, Biriyani also happens to be Yuvan Shankar Raja's 100th film album. Things can't get a lot better if you find yourself creating a film within the Tamil industry. Venkat Prabhu seems to have the fitting formula set to make another blockbuster movie.