The audio launch of Alex Pandian have been confirmed for Superstar Rajinikanth's birthday, falling at the 12th of December. It happens to fall at the special date of 12-12-12, that is being regarded as something significant by many. The music of the film have been composed by Devi Sri Prasad, who has get a hold of peppy numbers for films like Singam and Villu within the past.
The name of the film, Alex Pandian, is on the subject of Rajinikanth because it was the name of the nature in Moondru Mugam. His role won him the Tamil Nadu Government Award for Best Actor in 1982. Now, TWO DECADES later, Alex Pandian features Karthi and Anushka within the lead. Following the success seen with Siruthai, the film is predicted to be a mass entertainer. It's also Santhanam whose comedy in Siruthai with Karthi went directly to become a rage among fans. DSP is probably going to have get a hold of some peppy numbers for the film, with Karthi himself appreciating the composer for his work.
Watch 'Alex Pandian' Trailer