Reports have confirmed that Studio Green have successfully bagged the distribution rights of Pandiraj's next film, Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga. The film has Sivakarthikeyan, Vimal, Bindhu Madhavi and Rezina Cassandra within the lead roles and is produced Escape Artists.
The group have previously acquired the rights of Kumki and Alex Pandian and in addition has Venkat Prabhu's Biriyani, Hari's Singam 2 and Rajesh's All in All Azhaguraja lined up next year. KBKR just adds one more valuable name to the list and is predicted to be interesting project. Pandiraj has promised that the film may be a comedy entertainer and can have two item songs in place of one. the cast, we're sure things may be very exciting through the release of the film.