December 21st might prove to be a super day for comical films in Tamil cinema, with the discharge of the film Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaya. The film features three of essentially the most comical character artists in recent years with the likes of Santhanam, VTV Ganes and tool Star Dr.Srinivasan coming together.
The film is being made by Santhanam himself in his production debut and can be a full-fledged entertainer. Considering the jobs played by all of the actors in recent years, we would be in for quite the ride when the film hits the screens. Previously, Santhanam was seen playing a lead role in Arai Enn 305il Kadavul, but his efforts went in vain because the film did not take off. Now, however, things look prominent indeed.
The film may be taking over Bala's Paradesi on the box office that allows you to reportedly pop out at the same day.
Watch 'Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaya' Trailer