Actor Sarath Kumar who's making sporadic appearances in Tamil Cinema is now busy creating a film under his own production. Titled Chennaiyil Oru Naal, it's the remake of Malayalam film Traffic which talks about organ donations. The actor is understood to have pledged his own body to an NGO in Guruvayur intends to spread the attention about organ donations through his film. "The film is a huge hit in Malayalam,' Sarath says. 'It is a movie with social cause and is releasing in January."
Chennaiyil Oru Naal features several actors including Cheran, Prakash Raj, Prasanna, Radhika Sarath Kumar among others. "IT'S TIME that we predict about doing multi-starrers. It is going to encourage filmmakers to return up with innovative storylines' says Sarath Kumar and likewise confirmed that the shooting is sort of complete for the film.