The audio launch of Vishwaroopam have been confirmed to happen at Sathyam Cinemas, Chennai at the 3rd of December 2012. The film has music by Shankar Ehsaan Loy and the audio cassettes can be available on stores immediately from the launch day.
Vishwaroopam is anticipated to be one in all biggest releases in Indian Cinema. It has Kamal Haasan, Andrea and Rahul Bose doing lead roles. The tracklist for the album was announced earlier this week and included five tracks in total. The film may be releasing in three languages - Tamil, Hindi and Telugu and can pop out with Auro 3D sound, the primary of it's kind in India. Theatres are being revamped to incorporate the technology for the discharge of the film and the audio rights has been bagged by Sony Media.
Meanwhile, Jaya TV has acquired the television rights for the audio launch. The development might be telecasted for the sector to look soon after the release.
Watch 'Vishwaroopam' Trailer