Recently, IndiaGlitz ask viewers to send their Diwali greetings and inquiries to Ilayathalapathy Vijay. The video greetings could be sent on to Ilayathalapathy Vijay, who will undergo them personally. In addition, individuals who submitted the entry would also enter a competition to peer Vijay in person.
We are happy to announce that we've got it greater than 10,000 wishes sent to Vijay from IndiaGlitz. Yes, your whole Diwali messages were collected and so they get a hold of this number. This do not have been without the assistance of the Vijay fans who were so passionate about chatting with Vijay. The IndiaGlitz team want to thank the users for the overpowering response to the competition. You'll be able to rest assured by knowing that Illayathalapathy Vijay has already began to undergo the messages and we might be selecting the winners shortly.
If you need to get a possibility to look him, it's still not too late. You might want to send for your wishes even now and you may join the list of greater than 10,000 people who find themselves eagerly looking ahead to us to announce the result.
Click at the link below to go into the competition. Win a possibility to satisfy Vijay in person and ask him all about Thuppakki and his filming career.