Superstar Rajinikanth has announced the discharge date of 'Kochadaiyaan'. The highest actor of Tamil cinema, who's shooting for the film within the United Kingdom, has said that the movie will hit the screens on November 13 this year.
Addressing a media meet in London, he said, "Kochadaiyaan is a fantasy film. It'll attract not just children but everyone. It is going to be of international standards and the film will hit the screens on November 13."
The Superstar was accompanied by his younger daughter Soundarya R Ashwin who's directing the movie, Oscar-Grammy winner A R Rahman and K S Ravikumar, who's caring for direction-supervision. "I'M happy to behave in a movie like this," Rajini said.
"For me every film is just like the first picture. I'M very choosy with the director and producer," he said. On his health condition, the 'Thalaivar' of millions of fans world wide said, "I'M 90 per cent fine now, way to the prayers of my fans."
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