Former Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister and DMK treasurer M K Stalin has expressed happiness about his son Udhayanidhi Stalin choosing to become an actor. "I initially had some doubts about how his performance could be. But he has proved himself," Stalin said.
The big gun of Tamil Nadu politics, speaking from Ooty, said, "I'M happy that the film is running packed houses in every single place Tamil Nadu. Udhayanidhi has made a right choice and he should taste more success."
Stating that Udhayanidhi told him that he would favor cinema than politics, Stalin said, "He said there are lots of members within the DMK who had worked hard for the party and so they should occupy party positions."
"I am proud that he has made his presence felt within the film industry," added Stalin, who too was an actor. Stalin played the protagonist of a television serial called 'Kurinji Malar', which was aired on Doordarshan almost 20 years back.
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