Four films are ready for the race within the box-office this Friday. They're Ram Charan Teja - Tamannah's 'Ragalai', Bandi Sarojkumar-directed 'Asthamanam', 'Mazhaikalam' and 'Nandu Baski'.
'Ragalai', the Tamil version of Telugu flick 'Rachcha' is produced by R B Choudhary and directed by Sampath Nandi. The presence of Tamannah and Ajmal, who're popular in Kollywood, is predicted so as to add value to the movie's prospects here.
'Mazhaikalam', produced by A R Screen (P) Ltd, is directed by newcomer S Deepan. Starring Sriram and Saranya Nag (of 'Peranmai' fame) within the lead roles, this can be a love story set within the backdrop of a very good Arts College. 'Asthamanam' marks the return of director Bandi Saroj Kumar, who made a wise debut with 'Porkalam' many years ago. While 'Nandu Baski' is directed by newcomer Selvakumar with fresh faces playing the lead roles.