Vijay has likened filmmaker AR Murugadoss, with whom he's working for 'Thupaki', to the country's ace director Mani Ratnam. "HE'S sharp and smart, yet so simple. I'D call him Kutti Mani Ratnam," says the Ilayathalapathy.
"I had acted in precisely an overly few commercial films which might be stylish besides. Thupaki is one such movie. All credits visit Murugadoss. He gives huge importance to even minute details," says the actor.
Hailing Kajal Aggarwal, his heroine within the movie, Vijay says, "Though she doesn't know Tamil, she took pains to grasp the dialogues and utter them with right emotions. A TROUBLESOME working actress she is."
"Thupaki might be a full-fledged treat to my fans. Personally it's a very powerful film for me because the role I'M doing in it's different from my earlier ones. I'M waiting for its release," adds Vijay.
Watch: Vijay Unveils Thalapathy Anthem