Prabhu Deva who's already a director, actor, choreographer and dancer, recently added another feather to his cap by turning an ad filmmaker! He did his first ever ad film shoot with Indian cricketer, the new and happening Virat Kohli, in Bangkok. The shoot was for a brand new line of brogues for men. An official announcement by the emblem could be made shortly. Prabhu Deva who has become a celeb director within the north, way to the stupendous success of both his Bollywood directorial projects, Wanted and Rowdy Rathore, says, "It's my first ad shoot and that i was thoroughly excited to convey a narrative in lower than a minute. It was fun working with Virat, he's a fab guy". Prabhu Deva is currently busy with the pre-production of an untitled Bollywood project starring debutant Girish and Shruti Haasan.