Jayam M Raja who wielded the megaphone for hit ventures in Tamil and Telugu (his first film was Hanuman Junction in Telugu), if sources are to be believed, is penning the script for a Tamil - Telugu bilingual.
Although Raja is understood for engaged on remakes and adapting them interestingly for Tamil audience, it's said that this film may not be remade nor inspired from any film!
Rumor mills further have it that he's going to be approaching Arya, Jiiva or his brother Jayam Ravi to play lead within the Tamil version of this flick whilst the Telugu version might boast off a unique star cast. However, the director is currently penning the script and nothing have been announced yet.
His 'Velayudham' with Vijay last Diwali is a blockbuster hit and is expensive to the Ilayathalapathy's fans. Interestingly it was his first film with a distinct actor except his brother in Tamil. Thus expectations on whom he's going to join hands with for his next is mounting up.