Telugu actor Rana Daggubati, who's making his Kollywood debut with 'Ongaram', is busy shooting for the climax fight of the movie at Binny Mills in Chennai.
A grand set have been erected at the premises of Binny Mills with an enormous statue of Lord Shiva. The stunt scene, during which Rana fights with a gang of baddies, is being choreographed by Vijay.
The film directed by Krish (of 'Vaanam' fame) is being made simultaneously in Telugu as 'Krishnam Vande Jagadhgurum'. Nayanthara is playing the heroine.
Shooting for the movie produced by Krish and Rajeev got a kickstart in Palakkad and few scenes has been canned in Pollachi in addition. Santhanam is doing an important role.