Ace cinematographer Ravi K Chandran is foraying as a director and Jiiva is playing his lead on this trilingual that's set to be made in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The film has now been christened 'Yaan' (meaning 'me') in Tamil. The commercial entertainer will go on floors within the first week of August and can be produced by Elred Kumar. A Bollywood top actress will play the feminine lead; the team is currently in discussions with five Bollywood actresses and can zero in on one in a week's time. Sanjay Dutt is touted to be seen in a pivotal role in 'Yaan', with the intention to mark Sanjay's foray in Tamil cinema. It seems like the director and the makers are enthusiastic about making it a pan Indian biggie, roping within the better of talents from all around the country!
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