Just after two years of married life, Nepali beauty and actress Manisha Koirala has parted way along with her husband, Nepali businessman Samrat Dahal. Once they got married in 2010, the 2 looked what they call a perfect, happy couple and their marriage were splashed everywhere! Stories were written as to how they met on a social networking site, fell in love.
However, things didn't appear to work for either one of them. A year after the marriage, gradually gossips about tension between the 2 cropped up. Some say it is the free-spirited nature of Manisha that brought trouble within the marriage.
Recently the actress was caught by shutterbugs in an inebriated and a poor state at a celebration. Manisha also made headlines when she hinted about her shaky personal life on her networking page. She is alleged to have attended special sessions at Oneness University in Chennai to assemble herself in addition to to avoid wasting her marriage!
However, talks are that the connection has come to an end... A pan Indian actress, Manisha Koirala was last seen in Dhanush - Hansika's 'Mappillai'.