Ever since UTV Movies announced India's first ever superhero flick, 'Mugamoodi', expectations are rocketing sky high at the film, what with the slick first look posters and teaser. However, speaking on the trailer launch of the film Mysskin asked the clicking and audience to not expect the film within the lines of Spiderman and Batman as its being publicized by the loads. He further expressed that the film is a superhero flick that's tailor made for Indian audience and that one can't expect an excessive amount of of visual effects within the film. Directed by Mysskin this Superhero film stars Jiiva, Pooja Hegde and Narein within the lead roles with music by K. The film is ready a superhero within every someone and boasts off some interesting stunts. In the past, several films including Vikram's 'Kandasaamy' and Suriya's '7aum Arivu' were publicized to a super extent & didn't meet the large expectations. Probably, understanding that audience like films best when it isn't hyped about, Mysskin has made his statements. He also added that the film's sequel may well be designed to fulfill international standards.
Gallery:Suriya @ Mugamoodi First Look & Trailer Launch