Now that Samantha has walked out of Mani Ratnam's upcoming venture 'Kadal', the ace director has found a replacement for her within the type of Thulasi, the more youthful daughter of Radha and the more youthful sister of Karthika. A few days ago, after it was confirmed that Samantha was out of the film, Thulasi together with her parents met Mani Ratnam in Chennai and signed the project officially, it's learnt. "Since Thulasi is a college going girl, Mani feels that she would fit well to the role of a 15-year-old girl in Kadal," sources say, adding: "Thulasi will share the screen space with Karthik's son Gautham, who too is making his debut with this film." Remember Karthik and Radha made their debut together in 'Alaigal Oivadhillai', directed by Bharathiraja within the early 1980s. Now after three long decades, history is repeating itself, you'll be able to say.
Also Read: Samantha walks out of Mani Ratnam's 'Kadal'
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