Hindu Makkal Katchi, the self styled moral police which was previously up in arms against some Tamil movies, is striking again. This time against 'Viswaroopam', a magnum opus by Kamal Haasan.
According to the party, the title need to be changed because it isn't a Tamil word. "Viswaroopam is a Sanskrit word. Kamal, a task model to aspiring actors, should set an example by going for a pure Tamil title," says Kannan of HMK.
"Kamal lives in Tamil Nadu and have become popular only by acting Tamil movies. So why should he not wish to name his film in Tamil. We're hopeful that Kamal will understand our appeal and alter the title," he adds.
It is also recalled that HMK earlier protested a song in Kamal Haasan's 2010 film 'Manmadhan Ambu', following which it was far from the movie. The party alleged that the song had explicit sexual references.
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