This is one film that have been repeatedly making headlines for controversies. The most recent rumor is that the director of this Vikram starrer, Kannan, was replaced by Gandhikrishna, who repeatedly penned the script of the film. Rumor mills had it that the makers aren't satisfied with the rushes and need to begin from scratch again with Gandhikrishna on board. When a media firm approached Gandhikrishna he expressed that the makers have approached him and he'll go ahead with helming the film is Vikram's dates & other things fall in place. But on the same time, Kannan has it that he's still helming the film and it'll resume shooting once Vikram is freed from commitments! The makers have also confirmed that Kannan continues to be the director of the project and that cinematographer Karthik have been replaced with Randy aka Rathnavelu and that the crew has undergone a change. Although this era cum contemporary movie went on floors greater than a year back only 25 % of the shoot have been wrapped and the forged and crew have carried on with other projects.
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