Tollywood actor Sharvanand, who made his presence felt in Kollywood with films corresponding to 'Kadhalna Summa Illai' and 'Engaeyum Eppothum', is now eyeing to expand further his presence in Tamil industry.
Recently, the actor was roped in by ace director Cheran for his comeback directorial venture 'JK Ennum Nanbanin Vazhkai'. Also, Sharvanand's 2010 Telugu hit 'Prasthanam' is about to be dubbed and released in Tamil.
Titled 'Padhavi', the movie will hit the screens soon. Sai Kumar plays another protagonist within the movie, while Rubi Parihar is the feminine lead. The film is directed by Deva K.
Meanwhile, it's said 'JK Ennum Nanbanin Vazhkai' will hit the floors soon. The film is anticipated to be a feel-good movie, with the intention to discuss friendship and other aspects of life.
Watch 'Engeyum Eppodhum' On IG Movies
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