Friday was a memorable day for Vijay, because the actor turned 38 and his fans ensured that many good stuff happened everywhere Tamil Nadu, to mark the day.
Events comparable to blood donation and organ donation camps, planting of saplings and distribution of monetary aid and note books organised by Vijay Makkal Iyakkam in various places of the State.
In Chennai, Vijay started the day by seeking the blessings of his parents- S A Chandrasekaran and Shoba. After receiving wishes from his wife and children, he headed straight to the federal government Children's Hospital in Egmore and gifted gold rings to the brand new borns.
Then he drove to Neelankarai where a blood donation camp was organised by members of his fans club. A CONTENTED Vijay said, "I thank my fans for planning various welfare initiatives on my birthday. What more am i able to ask for?"
Watch Vijay For A Cause On His Birthday