Kailash and Samudrakanni within the lead characters, Venugopan directing malayalam movie "The Reporter" is finished its shooting in Ernakulam. For the banner of Sarayoo Movies, K.R.Baburaj and Raju Panayamkulam producing this movie is scripted by S.Sureshbabu. Ananya, Abhinaya, Jagathy Sreekumar, Shashi Kallinga, Sadikh, Lena, Madhupal, Suresh Karmana and others include the solid of "The Reporter". Alagappan performing the DOP of this malayalam films lyrics were penned by Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, while Music is ready by Shareth. Lets take a primary look of this Action Thriller malayalam film "The Reporter" only on yours cineguru.net |