Vettai, the multi-starrer with Arya, Madhavan, Sameera Reddy and Amala Paul within the lead produced by Thirrupathi Brothers and UTV Films have been confirmed as a Pongal 2012 release. This Lingusamy directed mass family entertainer promises to be an excellent festival release with all commercial elements.
UTV who're past masters in promoting their films to the hilt is starting their publicity campaign two weeks before release from January 1. The songs tuned by Yuvan Shankar Raja are already successful. Vettai may be releasing big in nearly 500 to 600 screens worldwide. After the grand audio launch, the film has turned hot among distributors, and lots of areas including overseas was sold out at high prcises.
The trade has confirmed that Shankar’s Vijay multi-starrer Nanban and Lingusamy’s Vettai featuring Madhavan and Arya will release on January 14, Pongal day. Earlier UTV Films were planning to release Vettai on January 12, two days before Nanban to get the early bird advantage. However trade bigwigs shot down the idea, as they felt it will likely be “Pongal previous”.
There is a belief that if a movie releases sooner than the festival day, it's going to not open well, as individuals are busy preparing and purchasing for the festivities. So Vettai got pushed by two days from January 12 to 14, and can now tackle Nanban.