Chiyaan Vikram’s PVP Cinemas Rajapattai could have a large release on December 23. The Suseenthiran directed action enterrtainer would be the last of the Tamil biggies of 2011. Rajapattai is an out and out mass masala action film, with Vikram playing Anal Murugan a gym boy. The film has Vikram, Deeksh Seth, Reema Sen and Shriya, K Viswanath, Pradeep Rawat and special appearances by Saloni.
The Prasad V Potluri produced film is being marketed by Gemini Film Circuit. Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music for the film is already successful. It's said to be racy and is geared toward the mass audiences. GFC could be releasing Rajapattai in 400 plus screens in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, that is huge by any yardstick. The film virtually gets a solo release for Christmas, probably the most biggest weekends Dec 23 -25 of the year. The development booking for the film will start from December, and there's already a large buzz around it.