There was high drama in Mumbai last night as actor Saif Ali Khan was arrested after which released on bail for allegedly assaulting a person named Iqbal Sharma at Wasabi, the uber-fancy restaurant on the Taj hotel in Colaba. Saif said that he acted in self defence and that he was attacked first. Listed below are top 10 developments within the case;
1) Sources within the Mumbai Police tell NDTV that the counter complaint filed by the actor last night against Mr Sharma doesn't stand. In his complaint, Saif has alleged that Mr Sharma’s father-in-law punched him first and that the duo abused the ladies who were accompanying him on the restaurant. He has also alleged that his eye was swollen after he was hit. But sources within the police say that once studying his application, the actor’s injuries can't be ascertained as he has not backed it up with a medical certificate.
2) Saif was dining with girlfriend and co-actor Kareena Kapoor and other Bollywood friends – Kareena Kapoor‘s sister Karisma Kapoor; actor Amrita Arora and her husband, Shakeel Ladak; and Bilal Amrohi, a producer.
3) In his complaint, the actor has alleged that his eye got swollen after he was punched and that Bilal Amrohi and Shakeel Ladak too have gotten bruises on their chest.
4) Saif’s lawyer Mohan Jayakar said “Saif was provoked after women on the table were abused. Filthy language was utilized by Mr Sharma.â€
5) Police say they're going to study Saif’s application after which decide if it’s a cognizable offence. So far, they insist, they haven’t given a clean chit to either the actor or Mr Sharma. “We are studying the restaurant’s CCTV footage. The safety cameras on the staircase of the restaurant where the incident occurred didn't capture the fight,†a senior police official said, adding that statements of actresses Kareena Kapoor and Amrita Arora will now be recorded.
6) At around 7:50 pm on Wednesday, Saif was arrested by the police at his lawyer’s office in accordance with a complaint by Mr Sharma. Girlfriend and co-star Kareena Kapoor accompanied him. Around 90 minutes later, he left the Colaba police station after having paid Rs. 15,000 and being granted bail.
7) Giving his side of the story, Saif said Mr Sharma was rude to the ladies at his table and when Saif intervened, Mr Sharma threw the primary punch.
8) In a press statement released just after he got bail, Saif said, “I don’t think any gentleman would have behaved differently. The CCTV footage within the restaurant will prove everything.â€
9) In his version of events, Mr Sharma says he sent a note to Saif’s table, asking his group to speak somewhat softer. “They were creating a lot of noise. And we asked the management to invite them to be quiet in order that lets also enjoy our evening. This failed on about three occasions at least.†Mr Sharma says his family and he decided to go away the restaurant; on their way out, they bumped into Saif who had left Wasabi and was on his long ago in. At this point, Mr Sharma says, Saif struck.
10) Saif’s home production, Agent Vinod, releases on March 23. It co-stars Kareena.