'Naan Ee', an adventure thriller featuring Nani and Samantha who has become a hot property in South India, is a bilingual in Tamil and Telugu. Sources now have it that the satellite rights of the Telugu version, 'Eega' has been bagged for a whooping price of Rs 5. 50 crore!
The film is helmed by SS Rajamouli, a well-liked name in Tollywood who has delivered several hit films including renowned 'Magadheera'. 'Naan Ee' is slated for an April release and is a summer treat, the film is currently in its post production stage and can boast off lighting tricks and graphics.
"Eega was bought for a whooping rate of five. 50 crore rupees and the tale is a singular one", says a source with regards to the development.
It could also be mentioned that PVP Cinema is producing the Tamil version, that may be to mention 'Naan Ee', while SS Rajamouli is producing the Telugu version of the film.
Post this film Samantha has a trilingual with Gautham Menon and a biggie with director Mani Ratnam in Tamil. Samantha has reached the following level in here without even delivering a single hit, she is pinning her hopes in this film hoping it could rake moolah within the Tamil box - office.
Click Here To peer - Samantha & Celebs @ 'Naan Ee' Press Meet