Sneha will soon be having one in all her films hitting the screens. And this may increasingly be the actress's first release after her marriage with Prasanna recently. We're talking about 'Murattu Kalai', that's lying within the cans for an established now. Starring Sundar C within the lead role, the film is a remake of Superstar Rajinikanth's yesteryear blockbuster of the similar title. Directed by Selvabharathi, the movie has Sindhu Tolani, Suman and Vivek in key roles. Though the project hit the floors in 2009, it would not see the sunshine of the day because of various reasons. It has music by Srikanth Deva, who has remixed the evergreen song 'Podhuvaga en manasu thangam...' without hampering the original. Produced by Gunanidhi Amirdham, one of the most grandsons of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK president M Karunanidhi, the brand new 'Murattu Kalai' could be released by Ayngaran International on June 15.