In just 20 days, director Kannan has completed shooting 40 per cent of his upcoming film 'Settai', that is a remake of Hindi hit 'Delhi Belly'. The Tamil version has Arya, Hansika Motwani, Anjali and Santhanam in lead roles.
"I must thank my producers UTV Motion Pictures, Arya and other members of the forged and crew. Only because of their interest and co-operation, I'M ABLE TO achieve this," says the director of 'Jayamkondan' and 'Kanden Kadhalai'.
Kannan says the project became possible only as a result of Santhanam, an inevitable a part of all his films, including his last venture 'Vandhaan Vendraan'. "He was mainly responsible in putting things in place," says the filmmaker.
On Arya, he says, "Arya would never visit the caravan after completing his shot. He would sit with us and discuss at the next scene. Similarly, the co-operation from Hansika and Anjali too is memorable."
Settai Movie Gallery