Priyamani has bagged a brand new project in Kollywood. The National Award winning actress will play the lead in a movie titled 'Charulatha', to be directed by Pon Kumaran, a former associate to K Bhagyaraj and KS Ravikumar.
To be produced by Global One Studios, the banner which was behind many television programs and Cheran - Pasupathy starrer 'Raman Thedia Seethai', 'Charulatha' may have Mollywood actor Skandha as protagonist. Seetha, Saranya Ponvannan and 'Vettaikaran' Sai Sasi are doing crucial roles.
According to a press note from the producers, 'Charulatha' is encouraged by 2007 Thai movie 'Alone', which had Thai-German pop singer Marsha Wattanapanich in lead role. "Some changes was made to the unique script to fit the taste of south Indian audience," said the release.
It further said that the film could be simultaneously made in Telugu and Kannada. While the Telugu version may be produced by Allu Aravind's Geetha Arts, the Kannada version might be by Dwarakeesh. Ramesh Krishnamoorthy will deal with the Tamil version on behalf of worldwide One Studios.