Directed by debutant Dhanapal Padmanabhan, the film has Hemachandra, Nandana, M S Bhaskar, Rajeev Krishna and Bala Singh among others in lead roles. The film is about within the backdrop of the 1980s and is ready the lives of workers in a cotton mill. Music is by Raghunandan of 'Thenmerku Paruvakatru' fame.
Check out the film's USA release details:
BIG Cinemas Towne 3, 1433 The Alameda, San Jose, California, CA-95126Contact - 408-293-5034 Date Showtimes8-Jun 4:45pm, 7:30pm, 10:45pm 9-Jun 1:30pm, 4:45pm, 7:30pm, 10:45pm 10-Jun 1:30pm, 4:45pm, 8:00pm 11-Jun 4:45pm, 8:00pm12-Jun 4:45pm, 8:00pm13-Jun 4:45pm, 8:00pm14-Jun 4:45pm, 8:00pm BIG Cinemas Movie City 8, 1655 Oak tree Road,, Edison, New Jersey, NJ-08820Contact - 732-548-2300 Date Showtimes 8-Jun 3:45pm, 6:50pm, 9:50pm 9-Jun 12:30pm, 3:45pm, 6:50pm, 9:50pm 10-Jun 1:15pm, 4:45pm, 8:10pm 11-Jun 5:15pm, 8:05pm 12-Jun 5:15pm, 8:05pm 13-Jun 5:15pm, 8:05pm 14-Jun 5:15pm, 8:05pm