With Vikram Prabhu opting out of SA Chandrasekhar's flick it's said that the film's lead ladies, Karthika Nair and Reemma Sen might walk out of the project as well. The film is a remake of 'Sattam Oru Iruttarai', a 1981 cult classic that featured Captain Vijaykanth. Vikram Prabhu recently opted out of the project citing date issues as he's currently engaged on Prabhu Solomon's 'Kumki'. He expressed the problem to the makers and asked them to either look ahead to him to wrap the shoot or go ahead with another actor. Buzz is that SAC is in search of a newbie for the lead. Following these events, it's said that Karthika isn't too happy about being a part of the project anymore and has opted out of it and reportedly, Reemma Sen, who already shot few scenes isn't too pleased with these happenings as well.