Anushka, who's playing Karthi Sivakumar's heroine within the upcoming 'Alex Pandian', has done a very important cameo within the actor's other film 'Saguni', that's set to hit the screens on 22nd of this month.
According to sources, she is appearing as a funny police officer and scenes involving her will bring the roofs down. "Anushka will scorch the screen within the combination of Karthi and Santhanam," sources say.
The further say Anushka agreed to do the cameo on a request from Karthi and she or he has even denied accepting any remuneration for that. "Her performance goes to be one of the crucial highlights of Saguni," they add.
Helmed by debutant Shankar Dayal, the film is simultaneously getting released in Telugu as 'Shakuni'. Music is by G V Prakash Kumar, who's currently busy with re-recording for the second-half, Pranitha is the heroine.
Watch Karthi On His 'Saguni' Journey