Sneha on Wednesday called on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. Throughout the meeting, the actress invited the AIADMK general secretary to her marriage with actor Prasanna at Vanagaram at the outskirts of Chennai on May 11.
Sneha was accompanied by father Rajaram, mother Padmavathy and other members of the family during her meeting with the executive Minister on the Secretariat in Chennai. It's said Jayalalithaa told Sneha that she would attend the wedding.
Meanwhile, Prasanna too is busy turning in invitations to his friends and relatives. A COUPLE OF days ago, the star couple met the media jointly and spoke about their wedding plans.
While Sneha expressed happiness about tying the knot with Prasanna and said his mother was showering affection on her, Prasanna said he's gifted to have Sneha as his wife. Both thanked their parents for giving their consent to the wedding.
Gallery: Sneha & Prasanna Announce Their Marriage