The release of ace Tollywood filmmaker SS Rajamouli's bilingual venture 'Naan Ee' have been delayed as a result of extended special effects works. The movie was originally slated to hit the screens on May 30 but has now been pushed to June 8. The film starring Nani, Samantha and Kananda actor Sudeep in lead roles is being made simultaneously in Telugu as 'Eega'.
"For every film enthusiast available in the market who have been looking forward to Eega (Naan Ee), I apologize as we're not releasing on 30th of this month. I DO KNOW it's disappointing. I'M disappointed myself. We underestimated the volume of time for special effects. I'M extremely pleased with the standard of special effects for the shots we received so far," says SS Rajamouli.
He added: "I WOULD LIKE to make sure the similar quality is maintained for the remaining. People are working 24/7 to get the film out once possible." A socio-fantasy flick, 'Naan Ee' is a mixture of comedy, romance and revenge. It's produced by PVP Cinema.
Watch Naan Ee Trailer