Tamil Nadu Thiraippada Iyakkunar Sangam, the apex organization of directors in Kollywood, organized a discussion on 'Vazhakku En 18/9', a movie helmed by Balaji Shakthivel, under the subject 'alternative cinema'.
Many top filmmakers, including Balu Mahendra, K Bhagyaraj, Ameer, S P Jananathan, Lingusamy (the producer of 'Vazhakku En 18/9'), Balaji Shakthivel, Sasi and Samuthirakani took part. Popular writer S Ramakrishnan was also present.
Speaking at the occasion, Bhagyaraj said directors should come forward to launch a signature movement, urging the Censor officials to revise the U/A certificate given to 'Vazhakku En...' to U. "A request on this regard should be made to the executive Minister," he said.
"I wonder how this film was certified U/A. The director and producer of this movie must have argued with Censor authorities," the actor-director said, adding: "Officials should be aware of the intention of the scenes before certifying a film."
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