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Thursday, 3 May 2012

Rajini for a cause

In the presence of Superstar Rajinikanth, the Indian Chapter of Cystinosis was launched in Chennai on Wednesday (May 2).

Cystinosis is a genetic disorder which largely remains undetected. This can be a rare condition during which the body accumulates excess amino acid cystine resulting in formation of crystals that may damage cells.

Clad in a white shirt and jeans, Rajini posed for photographs with the youngsters affected with Cystinosis, all aged below 10 years. The childrens are from various parts of Tamil Nadu.

The Chapter is planning a large number of activities to assist the youngsters to conquer the disorder. Office-bearers of the chapter thanked Rajini and said his presence within the event would go some distance in spreading awareness on Cystinosis.

Remember the Superstar appeared in an advertisement urging parents to present polio drops to children without fail, almost twenty years ago. It created great awareness everywhere Tamil Nadu and the disorder is nearly eradicated now.