Shriya Saran was roped in for a meaty role in a Telugu film, through which she would play a commercial sex worker. "I liked the script and hence I'M doing it," said the 'Sivaji' and 'Azhagia Tamizh Magan' actress reportedly.
When probed, sources said that a top Tollywood director approached Shriya with the role, and narrated to her the entire script. "The actress was thoroughly impressed with it and was fully convinced that the film would bring her honours," they say.
Meanwhile, Charmee too have been roped in to play one such role in a single of her forthcoming movies. If sources are to be believed, the actress goes to do that character for director Chandu of 'Tenth Class' fame.
"This is a musical love story that deals with the connection between a sex worker, a singer and a writer. Charmee`s character is a meaty one," the director was quoted as saying.
Remember Anushka played a sex worker in 'Vedam' and its Tamil version 'Vaanam', setting a trend within the recent times.