Richa Gangopadhyay, a promising young talent introduced to Tamil cinema last year, celebrates her birthday today (March 20). The actress is reportedly on a vacation in Mexico along with her family and friends.
The model turned actress had two consecutive releases in Tamil last year, 'Mayakkam Enna' followed by 'Osthi', both with top quality actors, Dhanush and Simbu. Both the movies were declared as hits within the BO.
While she brought out the glam doll in her as Neduvali in 'Osthi', an out and out commercial entertainer, her debut 'Mayakkam Enna' brought in much critical acclaim to the actress. She was praised for her performance as Yamini, a confused girlfriend, an ardent lover and a loyal wife who stands by her husband through all odds.
She currently has 'Vaaradhi' in Telugu with Prabhas and Anushka Shetty and 'Bikram Singha' in Bengali.
IG wishes the beautiful young lady an excessively happy birthday!