It is not any longer news that Malayalam blockbuster 'Traffic' that garnered the eye of 1 and all including the Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan himself, could be remade in Tamil with Sarathkumar within the lead.
Industry insiders have it that the unique film's director Rajesh Pillai who was touted to helm the Tamil remake in addition has walked out of it citing date issues! Now, Shaheed Kader who's the former's assistant can be wielding the megaphone of 'Traffic'.
The film was prepared to move on floors long back but way to a contemporary unofficial tussle between the producers' council and workers the shoot of varied Tamil films were indefinitely delayed.
Now Rajesh must pay attention to the Hindi version of the film and has opted out of the Tamil one.
'Traffic's Tamil version could be co-produced by Radhika Sarathkumar and Listin Stephen and stars Sarathkumar as a cop with an ensemble of others including Prasanna, Prakash Raj, Nassar and Radhika Sarathkumar.
Watch Sarathkumar's Super Hit 'Ayya' On IG Movies