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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Nayan erasing the memories and stamps of Prabu Deva

Only in films that we stumble upon the hero or the heroine creating the tattoo of the picture at the body or scratching the surface for the sake of oozing blood. But this reel concept has happened in real lifetime of Nayanthara. Not much is wanted to inform in regards to the affair went on between her and Prabu Deva.Last whole year the media was tightly engaged in reporting every move of them. Came the tip of 2011 the eclipse in their affair surmounted. This has ended with their depart and it's not known at this stage who made the depart. As a consequence, Nayan is at the efforts of erasing the memoirs of Prabu Deva. While they were of their hey days, Nayan had a portrait of Prabhu Deva’s name as a tattoo in her skin.

Now she has decided to erase it by means of cosmetic surgery. She is on serious consultations with the physicians on this regard. Meanwhile all of the family of Nayan almost cursed Prabu of cheating Nayan with money and life. Up to now Prabu Deva has not responded to any of the allegations made against him. Nayan for her part has revived her roles within the latest movies for which she has accepted offers.

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