Ram Charan is hitting the floors of Bollywood within the month of April. Sources from Mumbai say that Amitabh Bachchan goes to present first clap on Ram Charan. Apoorva Lakhia is directing this film and it's known that he said why he has chosen only Ram Charan for the role. Lakhia said, "There are not any angry young men in Bollywood and hence I've chosen Ram Charan for that action packed role". In fact Amitabh excelled in his role in Zanjeer and now Ram Charan has to make his mark with that. Sources say that Amitabh is able to clap on Ram Charan provided his health is in fine condition by then. The primary schedule of Zanjeer shoot can be for 10 days ranging from 20th April in Mumbai. Until then Ram Charan is busy along with his tight packed schedules right from Sampath Nandi's Rachcha to VV Vinayak's film to Vamsi Paidipalli's Yevadu. |