Yesterday (August 28) was Prasanna's birthday and his first birthday after entering wedlock. The actor is elated over his wife, Sneha's gift to him on his birthday. "I was flying high and still can't come to terms with the happenings of yesterday, Birthdays were always there...Parties with bouquets, cakes with candles and what not, when people around me asked what's special for this birthday I said it's my first birthday as a husband that's it", starts Prasanna. "But my wife had other ideas; she made it the birthday of my life...she sprang a surprise by taking me to a college for the visually challenged. We had lunch with the youngsters there, gifted them new clothes and spent quality time there. I doubt if this gesture of my wife could ever be repaid...I must do it with only a month and half away...breaking my head in this difficult yet satisfying task after the overpowering moments of yesterday!", says Prasanna. Remember Sneha's birthday is on October 12. We'll need to wait to look if the actor manages to drag out something special not only for Sneha but for the others as well, as she did...