The hot- hot hunk Rajeev Pillai who appeared in Malayalam films earlier might be making his Tamil debut with A.L.Vijay's next project and can be Illayathalapathy Vijay's villain. The actor has took the chance quickly and spoken in praise of his co-star who's on a roll after the massive success of Thuppakki.
"It may be too early to show more details. Vijay's look within the film continues to be not out. All I WILL BE ABLE TO say is that I play Vijay's right-hand man," says Rajeev. "Vijay is the sort of down-to-earth person. I'VE stumble upon many small-time actors or even debutants with numerous attitude. However, Vijay is rather like another person at the set. Once after the shoot in a school, I saw him sleeping on a bench. Despite being a superstar, he doesn't even use his caravan to take rest," he says.
When asked concerning the other star within the movie, Amala Paul, he used to be again available for comments and spoken about his relationship with the actress and the way she helped him join the team. "I knew Amala since our modelling days and it was she who showed my portfolio shots to the director. A L Vijay also knew me as he had directed the fame cricket tournament theme song. The remainder is history"