Actor Karthi who could be featuring in Venkat Prabhu's next film, Biriyani, is probably going to do greater than just acting for the film. The actor was recently at Yuvan Shankar Raja's studio to join a composition and Venkat Prabhu has confirmed that he's going to indeed be singing a song. Karthi and Premji Amaren may be doing the song together, in what's going to be Yuvan's 100th film soundtrack.
"Karthi is a fab singer! We always jam up isaignani songs within the sets! Karthi and Premgi did a great job! Super threesome track" posted Venkat Prabhu happily on Twitter. He was soon joined by Premgi, who said "Karthi and me singing the longer term super duper ultimate mega hit song in BIRIYANI !".
It is to be noted that Karthi has previously featured in a song in Paruthi Veeran. This time around, we will be able to be seeing him having much more lines. Seems like he'll be joining the likes of Vikram, Vijay, Simbu, Kamal and other leading actors who've lent their voices for songs of their films.